Amongst all the other services listed on our website, we also offer:

Practice Mental Health Services

Our counsellors see people who are feeling anxious, upset or depressed.  They offer an opportunity to talk about problems and to express feelings that are difficult or distressing.  We also have a Depression/Anxiety specialist who sees patients referred by the GP.


The physiotherapists treat back, neck, joint and muscle pain, acute injuries and help you to rehabilitate after a stroke, hip, knee or other joint operation.  Please discuss this with one of the doctors who will refer you for an appointment, if appropriate.

Ante-Natal & Post-Natal Clinic

Please make an appointment to see the Practice midwife once pregnancy is confirmed. A midwife is available for appointments at a weekly ante natal clinic to monitor your pregnancy. A Baby and Child health clinic operates for well babies to be seen by the health visitor, and our practice nurse for advice on development, discussion of any worries and for immunisations.

Family Planning & Emergency Contraception

All doctors offer comprehensive advice about family planning and all types of contraception including emergency contraception (the morning after pill). Alter­natively, emergency contraception, coil fitting and contraceptive implants are available from the Central Health Clinic.

Hearing Aids

The surgery offers batteries and tubing for hearing aids (please bring your book into the practice).

Diabetic Eye Screening

From time to time we offer a diabetic eye screening service, please contact reception for further details.


Page Updated: 25/08/2023