Welcome to Woodhouse Health Centre. The Practice was newly formed in 2008 by merging of Dr. Spinks and Dr. Mitchell partnerships.  Prior to the merger both surgeries were well established in the centre of Woodhouse village before transferring to Woodhouse Medical Centre in 1989.  We offer a full general practice service and run specialist clinics for children, pregnant women, diabetes, asthma sufferers and for patients needing warfarin management.  We aim to allow ample time for listening explanation and advice, so as to promote the better health of each patient in our care.  We are also proud to be one of the main GP training practices in Sheffield, participating in teaching new and upcoming GPs within the NHS.  Due to this we regularly have 3-5 trainee doctors on our list who spend 3-12 months with us before moving on to other areas of their studies.

Online Appointments

We are slowly re-introducing bookable online appointments for a limited amount of our services.  These include GP, First contact Practitioners and Health Care Assistant appointments.
For more information please click here, or go to our “Online Appointments” page in our “How Do I” section at the top of the page.

We politely ask our patients to familiarise themselves with this information – as it sets out the guidelines and limitations for each appointment slot.  Appointments booked into inappropriate slot types WILL result in you having to re-book.



Woodhouse Health Centre Information

Front Door Opening Times
Please note between 08:00am - 08:30am only patients with a
pre-booked appointment will be allowed entry

We advise all patients queuing for an appointment before 08:30am to ring at 08:00am.  We cannot guarantee availability after this time


New NHS England Data Sharing Policy

There have been many reports in the press and social media regarding what this data policy means to the general-public.  Many of these stories are either false, or misinterpreted.  NHS England have produced a “Mythbusting” website aimed at helping patients understand what this data sharing policy is about.  For more information please follow this link:

Self Help Centre
Out of Hours Hub

Woodhouse Health Centre  operates Out of Hours Hub services serving Townships 2 practices.  NHS urgent and routine healthcare services on weekday evenings and on Saturday.

Social Prescribers

We have 2 social prescribers who are affiliated with our practice.  Please see the .pdf's below for more information:

Who do I see - Advice Checker

Find out who you should be seeing:

Community & Useful Links

Veteran Friendly Practice


Measels Outbreak In Sheffield

Useful Contacts and Services

Sheffield City Council Housing Repairs - 0114 273 5555
Shelter Emergency Helpline - 0808 800 444

Sheffield City Council Housing Repairs - 0114 273 5555
Shelter Emergency Helpline - 0808 800 444

Gas and Electric
National Energy Action - 0800 304 7159 (Mon-Fri 10am to 12pm)

Cost of living
Sheffield City Council Community Helpline: 0114 273 4567 (Mon-Fri 8.30am – 6pm)
Citizens Advice – 0800 144 8848
Money Advice Service - 0800 138 7777 (8am-6pm) 

Mental Health
Samaritans - 116 123
Rethink Sheffield Helpline - 0808 801 0440
Sheffield NHS Urgent Helpline - 0808 196 8281

If you are in a mental health crisis and your life is at risk, contact 999. You can also call NHS 111.

Other useful numbers:
Age UK Advice Line - 0800 678 1602
IDAS Domestic Abuse Support - 0808 808 2241
Sheffield Safeguarding Hub - 0114 273 4908

Patient Participation Group

We have just re-started our patient participation group (PPG) meetings after a long 2-year absence due to COVID.  The first meeting after the COVID break was on 25th April - with the minutes available to view here.  Our PPG meets quarterly (once every 3 months) with goals to work with the practice to provide practical support, to help patients take more responsibility for their own health and to provide strategic input and advice.  More information (including minutes of all our previous PPG meetings) can be found in the “Patient Group” tab above.  Anyone wishing to join the PPG can also find a link above that can be used to apply.

My Planned Care

Helpful information and guidance for patients waiting for a hospital consultation, treatment or surgery can be found on the official nhs.uk website here: https://www.myplannedcare.nhs.uk/ney/

Universal Credit

The number of Universal Credit claimants has risen dramatically in the city. As the Job Retention Scheme comes to an end, and many people are made redundant, there is expected to be a second large spike in UC applications. This is likely to cause issues for households whose UC income falls significantly short of their expenditure.  Citizens Advice expect a 30% increase in demand for their services as lockdown eases more.

For help and advice regarding Universal Credit please click here


Pathway is the UK’s leading homeless healthcare charity, helping the NHS to create hospital teams to support homeless patients. Each team includes a specialist GP, nurses, allied health professionals, housing experts and in some hospitals, Pathway Care Navigators: people who were once homeless who we train to support homeless patients.

Pathway teams provide patients with:

  • Housing and benefits advice
  • Help to recover important documents such as birth certificates, passports etc
  • Links to community services
  • Support and collaboration with other clinicians e.g. advice on drug interactions
  • Complex care planning and discharge liaison
  • Referral for addictions support
  • Help with GP registration
  • Fresh clothes, shoes and other basics (for example where these have been destroyed because of infection/infestation)
  • Help to reconnect with loved ones
Sheffield Sexual Health Service Changes

SSHS have updated their website and information packs available to the public.


Young Carers

The UK Government has released some helpful advice for young carers during the COVID-19 pandemic - please see their webpage here


https://www.kooth.com/ - online Counselling and Peer Support service for Children and Young People aged 11-18 with online forums and self-help articles available 24/7 and online counselling from 12 noon -10pm on weekdays and from 6-10 pm at weekends.

Sheffield Children’s Mental Health Helpline - 0808 275 8892- This is a helpline for children, staffed by Sheffield Futures and CAMHS staff, able to give advice and support to young people. Open 9am to 9pm.

Sheffield Futures/Door 43— A young people's charity based in Sheffield providing mentoring and specialist support including peer support, counselling and wellbeing cafes-see also https://www.instagram.com/sheffieldfutures/

Gold Digger Trust- Charity working with young people on wellbeing and self-esteem.

We're here for you evenings and weekends